Hi, I'm Agnes

I design, build and maintain software and hardware, sometimes alone but often with friends. I have a particular interest in simulation, collective knowledge and infrastructural systems.

I am a specialist technician and lecturer at UAL's Creative Computing Institute, a member of the Innovation Information Initiative steering committee, and director of the community interest company Inflationary Assets. I was a founding member of the research studio Foreign Objects, am a sometime collaborator of the game studio Moving Castles, and I edit Wikipedia under the alias Petsquirrel.

If you are an activist group or community organisation looking for technical support or advice, I'm normally happy to volunteer my time. I also like hearing from people generally. You can get in touch with me at: agnesfcameron at protonmail dot com.

This website was last updated on 11/12/24

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24/10/2024 ↝ VALVES @ The White Hotel

New music, new performance, new sounds and new synths (using vacuum tubes!) with the Commission for New and Old Art at the White Hotel in Manchester. Stat magazine wrote about the performance here!

03/10/2024 ↝ This is a Temporal Landscape

I worked with Lola Olufemi to turn the research on British radical organising she’d amassed for her PhD into an archival website. Now that Lola has passed her PhD (no corrections!!!) it is now online. we plan to develop this further so send us your thoughts!

24/09/2024 ↝ More Roar @ Nonclassical

Me and John Richards of the Dirty Electronics Ensemble played a world premiere!! set on the synth we’ve been making, for the Nonclassical 20th Birthday Party at Two Palms, Hackney Empire. Lots of people told us we should get a chess clock.


20/09/2024 ↝ Naive Yearly @ MAO

I gave a talk at this years’ Naive Yearly, about images, satellites, revolutions and the web, at Muzej za Arhitekturo in Oblikovanje (Museum of Architecture and Design) in Ljubjana, Slovenia. Felt very blessed by the beauty and craft of everyone’s talks!


18/08/2024 ↝ Dark Properties Interview

I was interviewed by Meg Miller for the Dark Properties project Ecologies of Entanglement, a collaboration with Are.na Editorial. I spoke about satellite images, perspective and expanded modes of vision.

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